Thursday, April 19, 2012

Health update

After a couple of rounds of tests the doc has been unable to find exactly what was up with me. However the good news is that I don’t have dengue, malaria, any variety of flu, glandular fever, hepatitis of any letter, giardia, internal parasites, flukes, worms or a variety of other Asian exotica. The odds are I picked up a viral infection of some kind which knocked me about pretty badly, but there are thousands of viruses out there and as I seem to be on the mend the doc doesn’t see the point in trying to figure out exactly what it was. I just have one more blood test to go, which I’ll give next week to make sure my various out-of-control liver readings have reduced back to normal.
I’m still not 100% - I get tired quickly and apparently turn a slightly greenish colour if I overdo it - but it's good to start to feel normal again. I have a very lazy weekend planned, but I will slowly start to increase my exercise and get back out there again! My only worry is my feet - one of the symptoms was shedding skin and my feet have completely peeled a couple of times in the last week, so all my carefully built-up barefoot running callouses have been relocated to the bottom of the couch.....

1 comment:

  1. Woah! I knew you'd been crook Doggie - but ouch, that is terrible. Good news it is none of the really bad guys - but take it steady on your way back to full throttle!

    get well!!!
