Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Starry starry night....

Over the last week in Brisbane the nights have been beautifully crisp, cold and clear. I headed out for a barefoot run a couple of days ago and it felt great to be out again. I ran for just over 1km and although my achilles tendon was hurting for a day or so afterwards it seems to have recovered quickly. I think that it must have been self-chilling.

It's also full moon time and she looks gorgeous up there
I may have discovered a new hobby - trying to take pictures at night. Although I quickly learnt a few things that would help, in particular -
  • You need to know where the buttons on your camera are and what they do. It's hard to figure out what does what when it's dark and you can't see them. A torch would also help.
  • You also need to figure out what you want the camera to do. Long exposure shots don't work with the moon as it's so bright, instead you need to reduce the exposure as much as you can. 
  • Drinking beer whilst standing around taking photos in the cold plays hell with your bladder.
Luckily my camera also has a 'starry sky' setting which takes all the thinking out of it and, as long as you have a tripod, does the hard work for you...

Got to love the Southern Cross.


  1. Under the Southern Cross we stand....
    Great shots Mikey.

  2. What doesn't play havoc with your bladder?

