Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ipswich Cyclocross 2012

Wintertime is cyclocross time and the Queensland State Champs were on in Ipswich at the weekend. This isn't as grand as it sounds as there are only 2 Cx races in Queensland this year. For some reason this muddy, dirty sport of hard men hasn't taken off in the Sunshine State - maybe we're too busy at the beach  - but a few hardy souls gathered to brave the windswept plains of Jim Finmore Park and risk their gastro-intestinal wellness tackling Hepatitis creek.

 As you can see, it smelt worse than it looked.

So what is Cyclocross (Cx)? It's a sport designed to keep road bikers fit in the off-season in the days before stationary bikes, hypobaric chambers, high altitude training and blood transfusions (or should that 'be dodgy steak'?). It mainly takes place on a grassy field - and for those of you that have never ridden a bike any distance on grass, that's hard work in its own right
Just in case your heart rate starts to drop there are barriers to dismount for and jump over

and the course was not smooth - it wound its way up and down a few hill and lung-busting hummocks
At the far end of the circuit there was even a short flight of stairs to be run up, although unfortunately that was too far from the bar for me to take any pictures of. But I'm assured it was tough!

However the real hero of the course was Hepatitis Creek, a murky muddy watercourse that wound its way along part of the course. There was no way around it so it was just 'pick up your bike and get it done'

Although a couple of people were game enough to ride it
It was a bit obsessive trying to get the grossest, closest picture of the creek crossing
and at times I got a little too close
After a mild splashing I decided it was safer to retreat to the bar and watch (and heckle) the racing in relative safety
Drinking beer and ringing cowbells is an integral part of watching cyclocross. Sure, the guys out there are working hard (last year Aaron's heart rate average was 182bpm for 50 minutes) but spectating can have it's pressures too. Particularly on the bladder during the drive home...


  1. Ha ha....Hepatitis Creek LOL.....and excellent streaming photo!!! ;-) Miff

  2. "Live streaming" - dammit, why didn't I think of that? Good job Miff!
