Saturday, October 8, 2011

Never trust a weather forecast

This morning dawned wet, with a big storm rolling in around 8am to put the knackers on the thought of any rides other than the fun & puerile

After updating the blog I took another look at the mid-range forecasts and it wasn't good. Intermittent rain all day, storms forecast for mid-afternoon. I was planning to go for a ride, but there's no point sitting inside with your nose pressed to the window watching the water trickle down the outside. It looked to be the perfect weather for making cheese instead, so we nipped down the shops and  got 8 litres of milk. We can't store that much, so it needed to be used today. 

Predictably by the time we got home the forecast had reversed itself. No rain, fluffy clouds against a blue sky and a bit of wind to keep the heat off. Perfect for a ride, and a couple of the boys are having a roll around the CBD as I type.

Ah well. We should hopefully get a block of halloumi the size of your head out of this, so it's not all bad!