It's been a long week of rain showers along with busy times at work and me fighting off a bug so not much has been going on. But today dawned both sunny and windy - a beautiful day that reminds me why I choose to live in Queensland.
I met up with some friends for a bit of a cruisy ride to celebrate. First of all we visited a 'green fest' in the citys botanical gardens

Scared off by rampant earnestness, spoken word poetry and the thought of vegan pies we sought solace at the Breakfast Creek hotel

and then further solace at the Ship Inn
Gordy was hipster of the day on his beautiful new Soma Van Ness. All white with chromed lugs, but with a beating red heart inside

All in all a cracking day. And with any luck the rain will hold off and I can take the Scandal out on dirt tomorrow :)
I met up with some friends for a bit of a cruisy ride to celebrate. First of all we visited a 'green fest' in the citys botanical gardens

Scared off by rampant earnestness, spoken word poetry and the thought of vegan pies we sought solace at the Breakfast Creek hotel

and then further solace at the Ship Inn

All in all a cracking day. And with any luck the rain will hold off and I can take the Scandal out on dirt tomorrow :)
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