Thursday, September 5, 2013

Closet ornithologist

The bird life at Happy Valley was also pretty impressive, especially to us city slickers. Give me a camera and some passing wildlife and I can be amused for hours...

Wood ducks & ducklings

Some resident ex-pet Khaki Campbells who happily wandered around the fields in a group making very relaxing low quacking sounds as they grazed 

Scarlet Rosellas
 Black cockatoos

 and a couple of magpies that we christened 'Dr Evil' and 'Dr Evil Twin' and who were always ready to pounce on any 'spare' food left lying around. This included toast you were holding at the time...
 Luckily I had a bird-scarer to hand
We don't know what caused this tense duck / kookaburra stand-off, but it went on for a good 20 minutes before the duck blinked first and wandered off pretending it wasn't playing the game anyway...


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