Thursday, April 5, 2012

It ain't so wrong

Patong isn't as bad as it first seems. Yes, there are parts of it mainly based around markets, touts, tours and the sex industry, but you can always choose to smile & ignore them. In fact after a while you get recognised so the market seller will chat to you about the t-shirt you bought yesterday and the tout will have a chat with you. You can also amuse yourself thinking up 'witty' ripostes -
'DVD Mister?'
'No thanks - I download'

If you put some effort in there are some interesting things to see as well. One morning I walked out of town into the surrounding hills. It was lovely up there, I was next to the road but occasionally between the sound of trucks, bikes & mini-buses there was some blessed quiet

Another morning I wandered down to the other end of town and the local temple (Wat Suwan Khiri Wong). It says a lot about Patong that there is only one temple in the whole town, but it was an oasis of peace from the traffic outside

'I'm going to the local temple'
'I said I'm going to the local temple'
'Never mind, I'll tell you later'*

There's always a lot of discussion about finding authenticity when you travel. I think that in many ways Patong is a much closer representation of the life of the majority of Thai citizens (at least urban Thai's) than somewhere like Tonsai. In fact I'm not convinced that Tonsai hasn't been intentionally designed as a 'backpacker resort' for travellers looking for a 'The Beach' experience and to catch the tourists that slip through the nets of Bangkok & Phuket.

*That one's for you Rach :)

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