Sunday, May 6, 2012

My GGT can GGF

GGT (or Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase) is an enzyme found mainly in the liver. Normally there is a low concentration found in your blood, but the levels can increase if your liver is damaged as the enzyme 'leaks out' of holes in the liver. A 'safe' concentration is between 20 & 75 U/ml, and for the last couple of years my bood tests have returned values of around 48-50 U/ml, much to the disgust and disbelief of people who know me.

After my first post-viral blood test I had a GGT reading of 150 U/ml - high enough to be of concern. But I felt on the mend and we assumed that my second blood test would be a double-check to make sure everything was returning to normal. Sadly no. My GGT had increased to 220 U/ml. 

This could be due to damage to my liver from a virus, from excessive alcohol, from drugs (both recreational & pharmaceutical) or from a 'fatty liver'. None of these are good, although given recent history the most obvious cause is the virus. GGT is also apparently highly sensitive to alcohol and I had had a couple of beers the day before the test, so there may just be a false reading from that. I certainly hope so because I'm off to Malaysia for 5 weeks next weekend.....

The good news is that I'm feeling better pretty much every day. As a friend of mine said about viral illness, 'all of your energy goes into the working week' so for the last week when I get home all I've wanted to do is vegetate or sleep. But I've managed to get out for a couple of rides this weekend. I have no 'top end' fitness - I can pedal happily along on the flat but any hill, headwind or increase in speed leaves me immediately feeling exhausted - so the plan is to try to gently exercise every day but to take it easy. Hopefully in KL I can keep that routine up - who knows, maybe I'll even find a safe route for a regular barefoot run?


  1. Dogtank: Wow! So it really is a case of GGTéd. Hmm, well, said friend, also says, the low end of fitness is the way to top end fitness, and that my friend is the key to our health wealth. Here is to that MTB ride in 8 weeks time. Taking the same steps with you Mikey! Miff,,

  2. hi is there an update to your liver scores? i had a similar situation and was wondering what happened to you.

  3. I had to go overseas with work for a month and spent a lot of that month feeling exhausted, but by the time I got back I was feeling much better. I did have another bloodtest but forgot to go and get the results, I should probably do something about that!

    Looking back I think I had a dengue-like virus that had very similar side-effects but which didn't trigger the test results. The second high GGT reading was probably a combination of a decreasing but still high level due to the virus and the effects of the previous days beer.

    Hope it works out OK for you!

  4. Thanks DogTank. Yeah you should get new tests just to see how they are!!! I have had some mild viruses but besides that they are not sure why I'm higher than normal - I am going to see a specialist. Thanks!
