Sunday, August 12, 2012

On and off the beach

We decided to treat ourselves to a day at the beach today, so jumped in the car and headed down to the Gold Coast. There was no real plan, just throw a few toys in the car and see where we end up.

It was a brisk & windy day so the idea of going for a dip was swiftly dismissed. But we were lucky enough to see this guy making the most of the on-shore breezes
He was on a surfboard so was able to ride the waves on the way in, then turn around and cruise back out again. And he was a good surfer, carving the board down the wave
and smashing the lips with top turns
The most impressive thing was that he was on a normal surfboard - no foot straps, and not even a leash. But he was still able to cope with the waves without losing his board. I have no idea how he did that.
 I was inspired, as I athletically sat in the car drinking a flask of coffee
I've been playing around on my drift skates for the last few weeks and I'd thrown them in the car that morning, so figured it was time to give them a go. Hmm - now how do these work again?
There was a lack of useful posts to be able to push off from, so I had to launch from the flat pavement down the gentle (but surprisingly speed generating) slope. When I first started learning to do that it gave me calf cramps, so things are moving on.
Liz found the video feature on the camera, so if you want to watch a fat middle aged bloke wobble precariously down a gentle slope then here's your chance!


  1. And again, and again. :) Throw your hands in the air in celebration! :) yay.

  2. No juggling at the same time? Not angry. Just disappointed.
