Friday, August 10, 2012

The GOD riff

One of the joys of moving to a new country is getting to hear all the classic music that was around before you arrived but that you didn't get to hear at your original home. Australia has a very strong rock'n'roll history and I reckon that this is one of its standouts, released by 4 lads from Melbourne aged 15 & 16 in the late 1980s.

I just can't get enough of that constantly repeating riff, and if you feel the same here's the same song as a backing track to some awesome (and painful) skating.


  1. You should make every Friday, music post day!
    Great way to start the weekend.
    By the way, I have never heard this piece before, excellent choice!
    As always....Gordy

    1. I like your thinking! Digging through my CD collection already.
