Friday, September 7, 2012

All your bass belongs to us

It's been a busy week, with the promise of a few more to come. I'm pretty bad at leaving work at work and regularly snap awake at night worrying about things that might go wrong and how to fix them if they do. It seems that if I advise against initially committing the company to a choice of action that will have a significant cost but only marginal benefit, then I'm considered negative and counter-productive. If a salesman ignores me, promises the impossible and I work my arse off and make it happen anyway then he gets the plaudits for his far-sighted vision, but if I can't make it happen then I get the brickbats for my lack of commitment.  Sadly I seem to have become a corporate whore and worse still someone else is pimping me out at a discounted rate. I know it's very much a first-world problem and I try to not let it get to me but I think I'm some kind of professional masochist, constantly trying to find ways to prove myself but always knowing that the harder I work the more crap I inherit. If anyone has any possible solutions let me know!

Anyway, that kind of dribbled out when I wasn't looking. Sometimes it's good to relax to some mellow peaceful tunes to help sooth the troubled mind. Sometimes it's easier to turn it up and blot everything else out.


  1. take one Mean Streets Stat, followed by a good lie down :)

  2. A prescription for the riding of bikes, the drinking of beer and the talking of shit with mates. I concur!
