Saturday, September 22, 2012

Changes in the air (and water)

Our little Rex had been hiding himself away for a few days and I was getting worried. But this morning he was out and about larger than life - literally, as he'd shed his shell and grown a new and larger one
It's amazing when they do this, they shed everything including the outers from their antennae.  That must have been a relief for Rex as he had one snipped antennae from his time in the pet shop. It hasn't grown back quite as long as the other one but it's definitely closer. We won't mention it around the tank of course.
Initially when you take photos he gets very curious,
But he quickly gets tired of the flash, and so after wiping his eyes with his front legs he headed back to his hidey-hole to recuperate
Crayfish only grow through change, and with changes on my horizon as well I think I can learn from that...

1 comment:

  1. Sexy Rexy!

    Hey, changes on the horizon? Spill 'em. Did you see Rohan's latest? Elusive Morels!!!

