Tuesday, March 6, 2012


After a lazy weekend and a musculo-skeletal massage that felt like the masseuse was trying to pop my arms from their sockets, I was in the strange position of not having any niggling aches & pains in my back or legs. No limping, no groaning, no applications of icepacks or ibuprofen gels. It was odd, but it was nice.

Unfortunately the good feelings didn't last as I got water in my ears during a shower and, impatient to get it out, resorted to cotton wool buds to extract it. It turns out that this is the worst thing you can do as it impacts & compresses all of the unpleasant stuff in your ear into a tight wad.

This must have been pressing against my ear drum because it not only affected my hearing, it also made me dizzy, slightly disorientated & grumpy

and not at all like my usual self
Liz jumped on the internet and found lots of videos showing how easily ears could be syringed out, although  when I repeated that search today most of the videos seem to relate to dogs. Anyway, she was keen to give it a go and it felt a bit like this

Wasn't as effective, but I think it's on the mend as I'm only feeling the hearing loss today.

Couple more Father Jack videos, just because I can.
and one for Liz

1 comment:

  1. That was just like you last night Mikey. :)
