Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ti-ny things please tiny minds

Everybody knows that half the fun of doing something new is buying the gear that you need to do it*. We've been thinking about going 'bike-packing' (essentially cycle-based camping) for a while now and so I've been collecting some cool titanium lightweight toys essential items to take with me.

First off I have an Alpkit mug, which also doubles as a small pan
Next a Vargo spork - a combination spoon & fork. With a purple anodised surface finish, which tips a hat to the glory days of 90's mountain biking
Finally there's these babies - what are these?
Alpkit chopsticks!
The bamboo ends are stored inside the Ti outers so I'm not sure why they gained 2g when they were assembled, but they're very cool. And will no doubt prove to be very useful when I'm camped out miles from anywhere surviving only on special fried rice and sweet and sour chicken.

*The official breakdown of fun is -
  • 50% buying stuff for the new activity
  • 15% reading books about the new activity
  • 15% browsing online for information about your new activity whilst you're in the office  
  • 20% gossiping with your mates about things you've bought, read or seen that relate to your new activity 


  1. Are the scales Ti?
    That would be cool :-)

    1. But how would I be able to find out how much they weighed?

    2. Tip them upside down on a glass table and they will weigh themselves. All you need to do is get underneath for a look at the weight. :)

      No need to worry about the weight piece that then rests on the table. It weighs nothing anyway because the scales always say "0" when this piece is on top.

  2. More gear you don't need...
